Such Gup

Such Gup

Rank and file

Rumour has it that The Man of Steel’s Talented Bro and Mr Bean are keen on extending Bobby’s tenure and are pressing The Man to do it, but the latter has thus far not indicated his mind on the subject. There’s also a lot of opposition in The Man of Steel’s rank and file to this idea, led by the hawks who are all close to their boss, as well as la familia. The wags also say that not everyone in Bobby’s cabal is in favour of his extension, partly because they will be out of the running if he lasts another year. Then there are those who are advising The Man to change the law and make it a four-year term for all, not just for Bob. Watch this space for more on this issue.


Our mole reports that the late lamented Big Ben’s Hubby did actually meet the Maulana in London, despite vociferous denials. The meeting was very hush-hush and took place before The Man of Steel arrived in London for his heart by-pass surgery. Our mole confirms that the Maulana was assured that Hubby would go the whole hog on the Panama affair but would never, repeat never, be part of a khaki plot to overthrow the elected government in another coup d’etat.

Rave reviews

We hear young Bill has been getting rave reviews from the foreign ambassadors he’s been meeting in Isloo; they’ve been tres impressed by his polish, education, understanding of international affairs and firm, liberal stance on Pakistan’s burning issues.

Joke of the week

Overheard, The Man of Steel to Talented Bro: “what are you doing in London?”

Talented Bro: “I’ve come to inaugurate the by-pass”.