Families Of Missing Persons In Swat Await Recovery Of Loved Ones

Families Of Missing Persons In Swat Await Recovery Of Loved Ones
Families of missing persons in Swat assembled to demand government to let them know about their loved ones' whereabouts, with some families alleging that their relatives remain in the custody of security forces.

Men, women and children chanted slogans and held up photos of their relatives in front of the Swat Press Club on Monday, appealing to the Chief Justice of Pakistan, the army chief and the prime minister to ascertain the whereabouts of their loved ones.

One family said their relative had been missing for 10 years, and urged the authorities to hold a court date for them. Many recounted difficult lives after their family members disappeared, who had been in many cases the breadwinner of the family.

Another grieving family said they believed their relative was in jail, although they did not know where, and were seeking information on his prison sentence, as well as permission to visit him in jail.

“Families, especially women and children, of the missing persons have no one to take care of them,” said one protestor, adding that many relied on the kindness of friends and neighbours to sustain themselves.

The official estimate of missing people in Pakistan totals a little under 5,000, but many rights groups expect this number is underreported.