
STOP! Stop all this horrid bad news! Can’t bear it! Fetch my injections and let me see the houris! AND SHUT THE EFF UP, EVERYONE, WHILE I DO THE NEEDLEFUL.


THERE THEY ARE! My splendid houris! Yes luvvies, the right kind of data just isn’t showing up. You know, where I access a website that says all’s hunky dory in the state of Pakistan. May I have some technology lessons, please?

“Floppy disk or hard drive?”  Whateverrrrr …

And THANK YOU for showing me a much nicer picture of my cabinet, pared down to 20 instead of 165. But is it my imagination (ha ha) or is my cabinet ACTUALLY a line up of poodles? There they are, 3 Miniature Poodles, 5 Toy Poodles, 2 Standard Poodles, 4 Moyen Poodles and 6 Teacup Poodles. Twenty of the best breed of poodles. My sweet, obedient cabinet.

And while you’re at it, sweeties, calm the rage in my brain please. WHY, BUT WHY, didn’t Trump come to Pakistan as well? After all, there are no differences between him and me. We’re both self-regarding narcissists, we’re both intolerant bigots, we’re both despotic autocrats, we’re both lady-killers, and we’re both on our third marriages. And he STILL didn’t come to Pakistan?!

You’ve got some good news for me? YESSSS! Dish it out, dish it out! Aaaaah, you’re so right. Look at my government, notching up success after success! The economy is on the path to a grand recovery. The Karachi Stock Exchange hasn’t nosedived at all; it’s just gone to the loo in preparation for take off. That little shortfall in revenue collection is a lie pedaled by treacherous journalists. The numbers will add up as soon as the journalists are abducted and tortured to change their statements. Rivers of honey from hives on beri trees, oceans of milk from buffaloes reared in my garden …. Aaaah! Can I have another injection?

Im the Dim