Such Gup

Such Gup

In his labyrinth

A min who has served many a government, and now runs arguably the most important department for The Great Khan, seems to be perpetually in his labyrinth. There have been no sightings of him for months; he rarely appears in public to explain how his department is running, he does not interact with the media and what’s more, government insiders complain that he is not available to them for consultation. Recently, we hear a textile tycoon went looking for him to discuss an urgent matter. He was pointed in the direction of an Isloo wellness center, and told that his only chance of meeting the min was at that facility, which he apparently visits with regularity.

All that glitters

Our Bedouin brethren are said to be great patrons of a powerful family of landowners in Upper Sinned. Together they hunt endangered species in the shooting season and relax of an evening in the well-appointed homes of La Familia. A recent visitor described how these homes are furnished – with everything from bathroom accessories to doorknobs plated in gold – hitting the spot with their opulence. In their case, all that glitters is definitely gold.

Uneasy alliances

It’s no secret that The Great Khan’s government has made various uneasy alliances with smaller parties to maintain its majority in Parliament. We know that a sword of Damocles hangs over their heads to keep them on the straight and narrow but their disquiet is a thing to see, especially when they’re told by sympathetic insiders to keep changing their phone numbers every three weeks.